Welcome, August, my favorite month. I wrote this poem for you last night, while I sat on the screened porch watching the sun fizzle into the lake before nightfall.
by Lindsay Gardner
Entertain this whim with me
Instead of hours and days
could we tell time in shades of ripeness, or
in curves of frilly leaf, or
depth of crimson petal?
Might we mark its forward leaps
in terms of tomatoes heavy with juices?
(We linger while they rest in roundess,
ripening on the counter,
careful not to miss our chance)
Or perhaps in terms of plums, aubergines, cosmos–
flaunting velvet purple
Would you believe me if I said
we can mark the difference
between a moment ago
and this one
by the cicadas' raucous chant
You know the rhythm–
it rises undimmed,
in stride with the sun's highest stretch
By our senses alone then
might we know August?
Recognize its sacred sum
in wild, pleasant profusion?
On my dew-laden brow
while I pick wilting basil from the stem
leaning over the kitchen sink
breathing cool inky darkness
alive as alive can be
Let every cell of me
remember it
come winter.
gorgeous poem and watercolor (?)...love, love, love! you are so talented!
I will take this to heart. Hours and seconds are kind of made up. Ripeness is real.